Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Journal #6: NHL Playoffs

One of the most over looked sports, in my opinion, is hockey.  I would say that a majority of people don't even know that the NHL is in the second round of the playoffs right now.  This being said that is exactly what my article is about.  This article gives a breakdown of the second round of the playoffs and the match ups there are.  They go through each series and talk about the teams and the things each has done and succeeded or failed at.  One of the best things about this article is that they use actual film from the games so far in the series.  So even if you don't know to much about hockey, like myself, then you can click on the links to watch the actual game.  I know that this helped me a lot and it made the article more entertaining as well.  If you are looking to get caught up in the NHL playoffs or you just want to read about hockey click here.